On Monday evening, trustees voted in favour of establishing a committee to look into the option of full-year schooling. Full-year schooling means students would get the same number of days in school but with more frequent, shorter breaks in the year.

The committee will review research, look at examples of boards currently running full-year programs and consult with parents, students and staff. Getting feedback on a full-year schooling program will be an important priority of this new committee. We want to hear from you and will keep you updated on opportunities to provide your input over the coming months.

The committee is expected to report their findings in November 2018. Please note that no decisions will be made on full-year schooling until the committee has provided this report and we have heard from the public.

If you have any questions about the full-year schooling committee, please email info@wrdsb.ca.

Scott McMillan
Chair, Board of Trustees

Categories: Principal's Message