School begins at 8:40 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. each day. There are two 40 minute nutrition breaks. The first break (snack) begins at 10:23 and the second break (lunch) begins at 12:39. All students will remain at school during both nutritional breaks. If parents wish their child to go home for lunch, a parent note or call is needed; preferably the parent would come to the office to collect the student. A wide range of school activities also take place during breaks, and we encourage all students to get involved.

The doors by the gym and the front door will be open each day until 8:40 for student entry.  At 8:40 all doors are locked for the rest of the day. Therefore, students enter the gym doors (off the parking lot on Secord) and the front doors (off of Hickson). They exit from all doors at the end of the day.

Categories: Principal's Message