This September 2, 2014 each student will get a print copy of the electronic September Package.  We apologize if you filled out a form in the spring indicating that you would prefer an electronic copy only, but we did not realize this was the case and we have created print copies for all families.

We are working at going paperless when possible, but with turn over in administration and office support staff we felt a print copy for all families would be the safest way to ensure that all families get the same information and sharing.

Monica Meier, our former head secretary, will not be at Stanley Park this fall as she has taken a new position at Floradale Public School.  We wish Monica all the best and we thank her for her years of dedication and service to Stanley Park.

Our Vice Principal, Ms. Eckhardt, has also been reduced to half time and will only be at Stanley Park on Tuesday, Thursday and every other Friday.

I have introduced myself before but I am Ms S. Dawson and I will be the new principal at Stanley Park since Mr. R. MacQueen retired. These changes may effect our initial school year start but we will all adjust and make the best of the great team at Stanley.

Thanks for your ongoing cooperation, flexibility and support as our office staff adjusts.

Ms S. Dawson


Categories: Principal's Message