August 25th, 2014
Food and Tuck At Stanley Park
All Food Items sold at Stanley Park meet the ministry nutritional requirements. The food items that are sold are considered supplementary and should not be the only nutritious items for students during the day. Please make sure that your student has food and snacks in the event that the listed items are not available on any given day.
Microwaves are available second nutrition break only, and to keep the line ups moving, they are for reheating food only (not cooking frozen dinners). Microwave availability cannot be used as an excuse for not having enough time to eat during the 20 minute eating part of nutrition break.
Pizza $1.50 a slice Tickets sold Monday, Tuesday and Friday morning at the tuck shop.
Pizza is served second nut break in the front hall and there will only be
Cheese pizza.
Milk $1.00 Sold each nutrition break at the tuck shop, each day of the week
TCBY $2.oo Sold every day at second nutrition break at the tuck shop
(available starting September 2, 2014)
School Supplies A limited number of basic school supplies (duotangs, pencils, pens,
locker mirrors, magnetic tape).
Categories: Principal's Message