Our Gators made us very proud yesterday, and again today with a fantastic start to the 2014-2015 school year.  Our Motivational Kick Off Assembly with Sara Westbrook was a huge success, as was our school wide Welcome Assembly and Scavenger Hunt.

Thank you to students, staff and parents for helping to prepare our students for a year of focused learning and fun.  Parents please remember to get the necessary forms signed and returned to Stanley Park by this Friday September 4, 2014.

A gentle reminder as well that we do not have supervision at Stanley Park this year until 8:30, when the doors open for entry.  This is due to a system wide bell change plan that was planned and communicated last year.  Your support in reminding students to arrive at 8:30, and not before, would be appreciated as safety is a priority.

We are looking forward to greeting you next Thursday September the 11th at 7:00 in your child’s homeroom class, followed by a brief self directed tour until 8:15.

Stanley, the home of the Gator, is well on its way to a great school year!!!!


Categories: Principal's Message