Our digital device policy went home in the September package and was reviewed with students on the first day. See BYOD – Bring Your Own Device Policy.

We have noticed that a few students continue to take the opportunity to use their devices without teacher permission.  We have told them that these devices are to be used only during instructional time (not at nutrition break, in the hall, before or after school) with the direct, explicit permission of the teacher or staff member.

Gators and families we remind you that the use of these devices is a privilege and we do not want to go back to the old system that they go into your locker upon entering the school and only come out when you are leaving at 3:00.  Please work with us to make our Bring Your Own Device Policy work.

And Gators, I encourage you as well to implicitly understand the need for these guidelines and not take advantage of the fact the staff are obviously not able to supervise your devices every minute.  This rule is to help our school be safe and run smoothly, and for our BYOD Policy to work it means you as students must implicitly understand and internalize our expectations.

If you have questions ask.  Otherwise you only use your device during instructional time when given explicit permission by a staff member.

Thank you.


Categories: Principal's Message