Please make sure that you check out the Voice Mail Extensions connected to this website.  You will find an updated list of our staff members along with our voice mail phone number and extensions for each staff member.  When you call this number and extension, you will leave a message for the staff member and they will return your call.

Given that your son or daughter has many teachers in our rotary school I strongly encourage you to contact teachers rather than waiting for them to contact you.  Our staff are very focused on helping to improve student achievement and ensure the well being of our students.  Please do not hesitate to make a connection with our staff.

Progress Reports will go home early November and that means that every day is important in terms of learning and assessing students in their ability to demonstrate what they know and are able to do according to the learning goals established by their teachers.

Our partnership with you,in the education of our students, is important to their success.  We look forward to hearing from you in an effort to help students be successful.

Categories: Principal's Message