As part of Stanley Park’s 50th Anniversary a Greening Project was initiated.  The project involved planting several trees in our school yard.  The Greening Crew was at Stanley Park today prepping the area.  Tuesday September 23 they will deliver the materials at the end of the school day.  We have asked staff to evacuate the back parking lot as quickly as possible for this delivery at the end of the day.  Our sports will continue after school and coaches have made arrangements so players and their families are not affected by the delivery.

Wednesday will be the big planting day.  Students will stay indoors today for both breaks to ensure the safety of all students while the Greening Crew and their volunteers plants and mulch our new trees.  The crew has suggested that they will be finished by the end of the day so that sports practices will continue, but coaches will make that decision on Wednesday once we see how things look at the end of the day.  There are no scheduled games, just practices on Wednesday.

Then we will start the important work of watering these trees over the next two years to ensure they have the best possible chances of staying healthy.  We thank the Greening Team for initiating this project and we look forward to our new Green Space.

Categories: Principal's Message