Halloween at Stanley Park was a huge success.  Thanks to all those who dressed up and contributed to the fun.

Our SCIS Team went to the SCIS conference hosted by the WRDSB on Halloween as well. Our Safe Caring and Inclusive Schools Team has decided to look at Digital Citizenship this year.

Our McMillan’s Fundraiser pick up was also a success on Saturday morning.  Thanks to everyone for helping with sales, organization and product delivery.

Monday November 3 is Progress Report day.  Parents please look for the Progress Report and the letter that explains about our interview times.  Basically, we are interviewing Friday morning and, some teachers are hosting interviews Thursday evening as well.  Call into the office to book your interview times please.

Also, Monday November 3 we are practicing our Lock Down drill first thing in the morning. This will conclude our fall emergency drill procedures practices.

And lastly, our Band is playing at GRCI on Tuesday evening at 7:00 and we hope you can join us.

Categories: Principal's Message