Extend homeroom on Monday 10 minutes.

Poster for THINK – shared and explained.

Blue Bands for THINK shared and explained.

1. Device back on Monday December 8, 201.5

2. Devices for learning under explicit permission from teacher ONLY (for LEARNING reasons.)

3. If earned by proper student collective GATOR use, up to second nut break (12:39) then students can take devices outside (for SOCIAL reasons) but NO PICTURES/VIDEO — they are encouraged to help police each other and encourage others to follow the guidelines so that they can all have a SOCIAL Device break at second nutbreak outside.

4. If misused that person’s device is taken away by staff, labelled, given to office, and parent must come to get it FIRST time. NO MORE WARNINGS.

5. Students always have the option of delivering their device to office first thing in the morning if they are worried about being successful – this is to help anyone who is worried about self regulating.

6. Each teacher can manipulate these guidelines to suit themselves within their teacher time and spac.e

7. Review ongoing. Perhaps a school wide presentation before Christmas (TBA).

8. Digital Leadership presentations to each class the week after Christmas.

9. WRPS Legal Implications re : Digital Citizenship presentation after Christmas but not the first week.

10. Happy Devices everyone — let’s collectively work together to make Stanley a Digitally Engaged and Productive Learning and Social Environment that parallels our social reality.


Categories: Principal's Message