Happy New Year.  We hope everyone had a restful holiday.  Welcome to the 2015 calendar year. Thank you for your involvement with our fundraising efforts before Christmas.  Thank you for your generous giving to support those less fortunate, and thank you for your ongoing dedication to education and our partnership with regard to our Gators.

January will be a busy, focused month of learning as teachers start to prepare for first term reports to go home mid February.  Please remember to connect with your son or daughter’s teachers using our voicemail extensions, the planner or email. Teachers welcome your communication and it is better to ask questions now rather than wait until reports come home.

Grade 8 students will continue to work toward high school choices and transitions.  Course recommendations will come home with Report Cards mid February. Please keep an eye out for High School Information nights for the various High Schools.

Please make sure students come prepared for our cold and variable Canadian winter weather.  We use the board approved University of Waterloo weather link to determine if students need to stay in or go out for recess.  It is our hope that they can go out most days but this requires proper clothing.  I love to say that there is no such  thing as poor weather, just poor clothing.

Please keep an eye on the WRDSB website for school closures or cancelled buses due to poor weather conditions.

Again, we welcome our Gators back and continue to remind them to make good choices with the moments and their messages when it comes to Digital Citizenship.  Susan Watt is a technology teacher with the WRDSB and she is scheduled into each class this week for another presentation to help our staff and students to understand and embrace the creation of a positive digital footprint.


Ms Dawson

Categories: Principal's Message