Each class at Stanley Park had a one period presentation from Susan Watt, technology teacher with the WRDSB regarding Digital Leadership.  Susan complimented the Cat Coode Binary Code Presentation that we had before the Holiday Break.  Our Gators continue to make better choices with regard to the use of their digital devices as a result of our collective efforts to educate everyone with regard to digital devices, their use, pros and cons.  We continue to make daily announcements to support and remind students, and adults about digital leadership.

Students have a Digital Device break each day from 1:00-1:20 each day if they are outside for recess.  Students may text you at that time without our explicit permission but we do ask that if they are wanting to go home, or feel ill that they come to the office in order for us to be aware.  We will allow them to call you or text you from the office. Please help CHECK your students and let them know that if it is not the above stated times that they really should not be using there devices.

Thanks for working with us to help our students be Digitally aware, responsible and safe participants and leaders.

Categories: Principal's Message