Over the last year and a half at Stanley Park our staff and school council have had a chance to look at our Fundraising Philosophy for our Gators.  This is what we are using as our framework moving forward.

  1.     Fundraising Activities will be things that add to the culture of our school.  For e.g. school dances, freezie sales, button sales, pizza sales, pitas sales, spirit wear sales, charitable events, etc. We may also offer small fundraisers that go home e.g. Pizza Kit Sales, Rheo Thompson Mint Smoothies Sales, etc.
  2.      Funds will go into our School Funds.
  3.      Funds will generally be used to improve our school culture.  For e.g. new benches for the gym, new mats for under our basketball nets, a water filling station, etc.
  4.      Funds will also be used to lower the cost of off campus excursions for all.
  5.      Funds may also be used to support charitable initiatives.

We have shared this philosophy will staff, school council, our PAC (Principal Advisory Committee) and wanted to share it with you as well.  Thanks for supporting our Gators and our collective efforts to work together for the good of the whole.

Categories: Principal's Message