The deadline for our Gators signing up on School Day to attend Club Stanley is June 3, 2016. Please note: this does not apply to those who have signed up for the Grade 8 Toronto trip. No exceptions past our June 3 deadline will be granted as our destinations need a commitment from us for numbers along with our financial deposit in order to secure our spots for June 22 and June 23.

Please know that we have made every attempt to make our year end experiences available to everyone in order to celebrate the end of our elementary experience together (for our Grade 8 students) and the transitions that this time in our education journey provides.

The deadline is June 3 on School Day.  There is not a program at school.  If your child is Not planning to attend the outing, please complete the School Day form with a “No” on the permission form. Financial concerns need to come to the office by way of a phone call.

Thanks for your attention to year end excursions so that we can plan for a great year end.

Categories: Principal's Message