Please see the note below from the City of Kitchener regarding our new trees shared between Stanley Park playground and Crosby Park. We are appreciative of the great partnership with have with the City of Kitchener.

There are  a few things we are hoping for to help our new trees thrive.

– These trees need a lot of water following their transplant to be able to survive, and it is anticipated that at the beginning of June the contract for initial watering will
end, and summer student employees from the City of Kitchener will begin watering them as part of our tree watering program.

– We would ask that the students do not walk on the mulched area underneath the trees, as the mulch helps to keep the soil on top of the rootball in a damp condition and the surface roots are sensitive to foot-traffic before they have a chance to establish.

– We would also ask that the students/community members do not hang off of or touch any of the lower branches of the trees and respect the fact that they need some time to get used to their new home.

We hope that these trees will survive and establish themselves over time (sometimes transplanted trees have a 50% survival rate, so everything we can do to help them along would be beneficial).  Thanks very much for your help in this matter.

Categories: Principal's Message