Stanley Park has worked with students, staff and school council over the last three years to develop a dress code, and implementation that are appropriate for our school.  We want a safe, welcoming community which promotes learning. We set out guidelines for our dress code in our school planner which your Gator will get at the beginning go the school year.  We ask that you review this dress code together with your child.

Rather than use a punitive approach we try to “coach” our students with what we have set out as a fair understanding of dress code for Stanley.  After reviewing the expectations we may have a private conversation with a student to remind them or teach them what choices would work best.  If a student is very inappropriate or rude we may call home, or ask them to change into their gym uniform. Ultimately we want all our students to dress in a manner that shows respect of the learning environment and school, which we realize may differ from what a student would wear after school or on the weekend.  We appreciate you reviewing the dress code guidelines once the planner comes home.

Thanks for helping Stanley to be the best it can be for learning.

Categories: Principal's Message