Hello Gator Families,

We hope all of you are doing well.  We have really missed our students and are excited to be back!  My name is Ms. Nancy Woodhall (Principal) and our VP is Mr. Duane Heide. Stanley Park is a wonderful place to be and staff members have worked hard to provide an inviting and positive school environment.  We know the pandemic has left our lives looking very different.  We want to thank all of you: our supportive and patient parents as we navigate through unprecedented times.  As we get closer to the start of our new school year, we wanted to reach out to share some important information and most importantly, to let you know how excited we are to have your child(ren) return to school! We have been hard at work setting up our environment according to the established Health & Safety protocols to keep our students and staff safe as they return to learning. We will be starting the school year with strict COVID-Protocols as we did last year, and hopefully will have a staggered approach to opening other things up such as: lockers, changeroom use, pizza days, mixing of cohorts, etc. More information will be provided as we get direction from WRDSB and Public Health. 

School entry – students will gather in their specified areas between 8:35-8:40 AM.  The bell rings at 8:40 AM and the day ends at 3:00 PM.  We will have 2 nutrition breaks, but will be staggering our Gr. 7’s and 8’s to reduce numbers on our yard.  Gr. 7’s will eat first and Gr. 8’s will go outside first. Breaks are at 10:40 AM, and 1:20 PM.  Please remember that we are an “Allergy Aware” school.  We ask that students not bring peanut butter or similar products to school, so that all students can remain safe. 

As you know from dealing with COVID-19 for an entire year, school routines and procedures will look different than they have in the past so we would like to take this opportunity to share some of those with you. We thank you in advance for adhering to these guidelines to help keep everyone safe while at school. Please visit the COVID-19 tab at for the most up to date information and responses to FAQs for safety procedures and protocols.

How do I find out bus information?

  • If your child is eligible for bussing, please visit for information about the bus number, stop location and times – You will need to know your child’s OEN number (This can be found on the top of any report card.)
  • Students are asked to go directly to their class areas outside by their homeroom signs after exiting the bus.
  • Masks must be worn on the bus and each student must sit in assigned seating

How do I find out my child’s class number?

  • Log-in to School Day on September 4-6th to check your child’s homeroom number (7-1, 7-2, etc…)
  • On the morning of your child’s first day, and everyday thereafter, signs will be posted with the grade, and homeroom on windows.  Students will need to physically distance in the area of their class homeroom.  Their homeroom/first period teacher will meet the class and bring them into their classroom, using their allocated entry/exit door.

What do I do on the first day?

  • Teachers will meet the students outside the window area where the homeroom is posted. Students will find their homeroom class area and line up their class (remember to wear your mask once in line and stand 2 metres apart) (signs on windows around the school – see map) 
  • Once all students have arrived, teachers will guide their classes safely into the school at 8:40 am. 

What are the entry procedures?

  • Students will follow the same routine as the first day – line up with their class in the specified homeroom area and wait for the teacher to bring them safely into the school (teachers will stagger the classes to enter,  one at a time to ensure distancing)
  • This safe entry process will result in students being outside for longer periods of time. Please be sure that students are dressed appropriately as this process will continue to be in place during inclement weather (rain gear/umbrella, warm clothes, etc.)
  • To keep everyone safe – students must stay in the designated area and not in other class lines
  • We kindly ask that parents wait on the edge of the sidewalk areas or on the field area and do not accompany their students in line

What are the dismissal procedures?

  • Teachers will have students prepare for the end of the day during the last period, and will walk their class to their designated area outside, where they will wait for the 3:00 pm bell for dismissal.
  • Classes will exit the school in a staggered fashion to minimize congestion in the hall and maximize appropriate distancing.
  • Again, parents are asked to wait at the edge of the field, or sidewalk areas and not in the line up area.
  • Students are asked to leave school property promptly and not socialize on the field.

School Access for parents and visitors:

  • Access to the school will be greatly reduced and only essential visitors will be allowed.
  • Parents/guardians will not have access to the school. We still value and encourage parent communication, so if you need to speak to a staff member, please email or call directly (519-578-3750). 
  • If a student needs to leave for an appointment, please write a note, and send it with your child, OR email the attendance line in the morning with that information, OR call the attendance line OR call the school office BEFORE arriving at the school.  This will ensure we are organized and can locate your child for the exit time.
  • Please ensure students have all items needed for the day, including lunches, a water bottle, planner, school supplies, running shoes, and a gym bag, when they leave each morning as we will not be able to accept deliveries of these items during the school day.  We recommend students leave their personal phones/technology at HOME
  • All students will need to remain on property at both breaks due to COVID protocols.  

What should students bring to school?

  • Students will be expected to bring all personal items home each day
  • Students will need a mask(s)- we also provide masks to all students, and also, if possible, a small breathable bag/ paper bag for used/soiled masks. 
  • Suggested Items: running shoes, lined and graph paper, 2 boxes of tissues, Visual Art Sketchbook ($10.00 CASH), Pencil case, glue stick, geometry set, calculator. 
  • Please only send essential items. Lockers will not be used to start our school year (we are hoping for a staggered start to lockers…) and, in many cases, students will be keeping their items with them at their desk.
  • Students should pack a healthy lunch and a full water bottle labeled with their name. They will have access to touch-free water filling stations as needed during the day, however to lessen the # of students in the halls, we encourage bringing full water bottles from home.
  • Students will stay in the shoes that they wear to school – no “indoor shoes” are required (we recommend they wear running shoes, so they can be used for GYM also). 
  • Students are welcome to bring in their own pencils, pencil crayons etc, but most essential learning materials will be provided.  Everything they bring must be stored at their desk, so less is more!

What if my child is late?

  • Students arriving after 8:40 AM should determine if their class is lined up outside – if so, they should join the line
  • If your child arrives after the class has entered, they are to buzz into the school at the front doors and report to the main office to be signed in by the school secretaries
  • If they arrive while classes are entering the school but their class is already inside, they must wait by the main entry door until everyone is inside and report to the office before going to their classroom
  • Student attendance procedures – If your child is absent or late, please email the school’s attendance check at: or call to leave a message at: 519-578-3750 ext. 1
  • If you are picking up your child before the end of the day, your child will need a note.  The secretary will sign them out and the student will meet parents outside the front of the school.


Cohorting during the school day:

  • Students will stay with only their class/cohort through the school day including outdoor time and nutrition breaks (we hope this will be staggered also)
  • Rotary teachers will go to homerooms to teach (Art, French, Health, Science…)
  • Phys Ed will be taught mostly outside except in the case of inclement weather, in which case they will go to the gym where there is enough space to appropriately distance. Students can take their mask off in the Gym if physically distanced by 2m.
  • We will follow Public Health direction on the removal of masks outside (masks must be worn in the lines for entry and dismissal)
  • Students will be able to take masks off during their nutrition breaks, distanced and in their same cohort. 

Illness/COVID symptoms or diagnosis:

  • ***** New form to come to parents- Please be sure to complete and VERIFY the pre-screening check with your child daily. If they are showing any symptoms, do not send your child to school. 
  • Please call the attendance line if you are keeping them home – 

519-578-3750 ext. 1 or email

  • The board’s safety protocol requires symptomatic children be removed from class and a parent/guardian called for prompt pick up. Symptomatic students will wait in a designated room.  
  • If your child(ren) has been exposed to an active case of COVID-19, they must also stay home. Please contact the school to discuss next steps.
  • Please be sure the school has up-to-date contact information for you and your emergency contacts
  • Information regarding WRDSB protocol for suspected cases and exposure can be found at

Other Items: 

  • Student Planner – please purchase a student planner for $6.00- exact cash only (less touch points..)
  • Visual Arts sketchbook – $10.00 cash to school 
  • Gym Clothes – Gym teacher to send out information, but at this time, change rooms are closed for physical distancing (Staggered approach). Students need to wear clothes that are loose fitting and suitable for Gym class
  • If your Gr. 7 (now gr. 8) student borrowed a Chromebook and charger last spring, THEY MUST RETURN IT TO THEIR HOMEROOM TEACHER on their first day of school.  Thanks
  • Communication- Please continue to check School-Day and subscribe to our school website – for important updates and information. Please also follow the Stanley Park Instagram account- STNWRDSB/@STNWRDSB

Important Dates:


  • FIRST DAY of school is Sept. 7th- 8:40 am start! 


  • Student photos – ON HOLD (information to come)
  • Meet the Staff – ON HOLD (teachers will reach out to families to say hello – feel free to also do the same) THIS MAY BE VIRTUAL- stay tuned
  • School council – We will have virtual monthly meetings.  First meeting will be September 28th at 7pm.  If you are interested please send the Principal an email with your email address (
  • Thanksgiving – Monday, October 11th



N. Woodhall and D. Heide

Categories: Principal's Message