October 21st, 2022
Today, Friday October 21, is Library Workers Day. In fact, October is Canadian Library Month. The theme for this year is: One card, one million possibilities, according to the Ontario Library Association. And the possibilities really are endless — libraries and their partners play a valuable role in communities across the country.
Of course you can check out a vast range of books by countless authors, but libraries also promote cultural awareness, support freedom of expression and provide education programs and initiatives for community members of all ages. Library workers are the stewards of knowledge and are the ones responsible for maintaining a catalogue of history and information. They are experts in research and help foster creativity and knowledge for inquiring minds.
Canadian Library Workers Day gives Canadians the opportunity to recognize the important contributions made by those who work in public, private and corporate libraries, as well as academic, school and government libraries.
Consider seeking volunteer opportunities at your local library; this will give you insight into the day-to-day role of a library worker. You will also get the chance to interact directly with your community. Or, when checking out your favourite book, be sure to say ‘thank you’ for all they do.
Categories: Principal's Message