In the WRDSB, we are committed to fostering a school culture that is safe, respectful and prioritizes the inclusion of all. We remain steadfast in our commitment to the safety and well-being of all of our students.

To help us in our work to promote safe schools and positive learning environments, Ontario has designated the week beginning on the third Sunday of November as Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week. This year, Bullying Awareness Week begins on the same day as the Transgender Day of Remembrance.

During Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week – November 20-26, 2022 – Ontario students, school staff and parents are encouraged to learn more about bullying and its effects on student learning, well-being and sense of belonging.

Forms Of Bullying Can Include:

Physical: Hitting, shoving, damaging or stealing property.
Verbal: Name calling, mocking, making sexist, racist or homophobic comments.
Social: Spreading gossip, rumours or excluding others from a group.
Written: Writing notes and signs that are hurtful or insulting.
Electronic or cyberbullying: Spreading rumours or hurtful comments using email, text messages and social media.


For more information on Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week, including school procedures, visit the Ontario Government’s website.

Stand Up Against Bullying

Tell us how you STAND UP to bullying using #WRDSBStandUP on Twitter and Instagram

Categories: Principal's Message