Insurance Coverage

During the course of the school year, our students have many opportunities to engage in various learning activities. Specific courses such as our science and technology classes, that involve the use of tools, chemicals and machinery, and our physical education classes, that involve movement with equipment, carry a risk of injury. In addition, students participating […]

No Stopping Zone

In front of the school on Hickson, and beside the school on Secord are NO STOPPING ZONEs.  These are determined and enforced by City of Kitchener in conjunction with the WRDSB.  These by-laws are about the safety of our Gators, and Gator community. Please, please do not stop to collect or drop off your Gators in […]


Today was picture day at Stanley Park.  If you have questions please call Lifetouch at 1 866 457 8212. Our Gators showed off their beautiful smiles for the camera.

Parking and Safety

The safety of our of Gators is important to us.  We are asking for your support again to please talk to your Gator about crossing the street carefully while entering and existing the school each day. IF you are driving your student to or from school we ask AGAIN that you please park on the […]

Meet The Teacher Night

We will not be hosting our originally planned Meet the Teacher Night evening for this Thursday due to ongoing teacher negotiations.  Please feel free to contact staff through voicemail or email, or visiting the school.  Parent and staff communication is important for the success of our Gators and we welcome your support and partnership.

Safe Welcome Program at Stanley Park

Safe Welcome Parent Letter Sept Pkg 2015

6 Day Cycle Calendar for Stanley Park 15-16

2015-2016 6 Day Cycle

Teacher Contact

Please see the staff list attached to this Website for current staff, their email and voicemail extensions.  Please contact your student’s teachers and stay connected to your student’s progress.

Bell Times

2015 – 2016 8:20             Supervision Begins 8:30            Entry 8:40            Homeroom 8:47            Period 1 9:35            Period 2 10:23            1st Nutrition Break 11:03            Period 3 11:51            Period 4 12:39            2nd Nutrition Break 1:19            Home Room 1:24            Period 5 2:12            Period 6 3:00            Dismissal 3:15              Supervision Ends

School Council 2015-2016

  To all Stanley Park  Parents and Guardians:   You are invited to Stanley Park’s first School Council Meeting which will be held on Monday, September 21, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the School Library Meeting Format will be discussed and plans made for the year. Please join us.   Proposed School Council dates: October  […]

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