Reports February 20

Term 1 Report Cards go home February 20.  Please mark this in your calendar.

Year End Grade 7 Camp Trip Information Night

January 28 at 7:00 in the Stanley Park gym will be our Year End Grade 7 Camp Excursion Information Night.  Our coordinating teacher, Mr. C. Campbell will be presenting along with the Camp Director.  Please join us to hear about this great opportunity.

More Date Edits for Photos – Please Note

Grad Photos for Grade 8 students WILL be January 20, 2015.  Life Touch will do their best to accommodate all students, and although they realize that it is a religious holiday for some, and that there are some students who will be off campus that day, they are willing to accommodate your schedule.  Please consider […]

Grad Photos and Class Pics – Date Change

Grad Photos and Class pictures will not be on January 20, 2015 rather March 9, 2015.  Please make these changes in your calendar.  Our school sign will also be changed accordingly.  The change was necessary due to other activities at school on those dates.

If A Device is Taken By a Staff Member

Again, we love our devices, and our Gators are doing a great job of using them only when permitted or when outside second break.  We have had only 3 devices confiscated since before the holiday.  Congratulations Gators on great choices with your moments and your messages. If a device is taken, it is brought to […]

CHCI tonight, NOT KCI — 7:00 at CHCI

Just a reminder that I made a mistake on our website and school sign — tonight is the CHCI information night at 7:00 at CHCI.  It is NOT the KCI night, that was last week.  Sorry again for any misunderstanding. Our guidance counselor, Melissa McGrinder is off on medical leave from mid December until the […]

Clarification for High School Nights

GRCI High School Information Night is 7:00 Thursday January 15, 2105. KCI High School Information Night was last week – it is NOT Wednesday January 14 as I indicated in my post to this website on Sunday January 11.  Sorry for any inconvenience. CHCI is January 14, 2015 at 7:00 at CHCI.  

Reports Go Home February 20, 2015

Focused learning is the prime directive of our learning agenda each day at Stanley Park.  Please consider connecting with your child’s teachers if you have not done so lately.  Teachers are continuing to work at collecting assessment to demonstrate the learning of our students.  If you have questions and are wondering about the progress of […]

School Council

Our next School Council meeting is January 19, 7:00 in the library.  This small, but very effective, hard working and dedicated group of parents meet monthly to provide feedback and ask questions with regard to Stanley Park and education in general.  This fine group of parents worked to bring your students the Rheo Thompson Mint […]


PAC is our Principal Advisory Committee.  Once a month, or more (as needed), one representative from each class meets with me, the principal, for a nutrition break to chat about comments, question and concerns at Stanley Park.  Each representative shares with their class, during a class meeting the topics of conversation from PAC. This group […]

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