Ski Day in February 2015

On our calendar posted on this site indicates that our Ski Day or Carnival is February 12, 2015.  We would like to have you note that it has been changed to February 13, 2015.  More details will follow but we wanted you to be aware so you can plan accordingly.  

Severe Weather Communication

Given the winter conditions that we are experiencing I would like to remind you that school closures or bussing cancellations due to weather will be posted on this website.  The WRDSB will push out this communication to this website.  We encourage you to listen to the local radio as well. Our staff are also accessing […]

Treasure Books and Rheo Thompson

Treasure Books and Rheo Thompson Mint Smoothis order forms came home yesterday with all of our Gators.  If you have not located these in your student’s knapsack we ask you to take a look tonight.  All credits will go toward year end excursions for this school year only.  Gator week is June 15-18 and given the […]

High School Transition Meeting Follow Up

Thanks to Ms McGrinder for her presentation to our students and families regarding the process of transitionning into Grade 9.  Our session in the gym last night was very well attended and we had three high schools who attended as well.  We appreciate the collective partnership that we share in helping to successfully transition our […]

Second Fundraising Option

Our second and third Fundraising Options will be launched Monday November 17 at Stanley Park.  Students will bring home a Treasures Book and an order form for Rheo Thompson Mint Smoothies.  Both of these have been a huge hit in the past.  Profit will be tracked toward each students year end activities for this school […]


BYOD – Bring Your Own Digital Device to Stanley Park is a new program launched last spring at Stanley Park.  It is going well but we hope you will remind your son or daughter that the device can only be used with explicit permission from the teacher in charge.  It is tempting for students to […]

High School Transition Process Meeting Monday 17

A reminder that Stanley Park is hosting a session in the gym at 7:00 Monday November 17, 2014 to explain the process from grade 8 to grade 9.  We will have counselors from several of our feeder schools available at the end of our sharing to answers questions you may have.  The session will be […]

Advertising and Flyers

Each question that comes my way causes me to go, “Hum,…”.  The system message is that we are not really to advertise for anything unless it has been vetted through the board office.  If a parent or student want us to put up a flyer in the staff room we have  designate a space for that, […]

Lost and Found/Locker Clean Out

Many items remain on our Lost and Found table inside the front foyer at Stanley Park.  In the next few days we plan to package these remaining items up and deliver them to a charity.  Please have your students take a final look at the table to claim their things. Also, this is a great […]

Leaving School Property

A reminder that students are not permitted to leave school property during the day unless a parent or guardian comes to pick them up.  We have a few students who leave second break to go home for lunch, with parent permission, and these students check in and out of the office when departing and returning.  […]

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